about priorities

Saturday, January 20, 2018

I often find myself in the day going "goodness if only I could have 25 hours in a day." well, God gave me 24 hours today. And maybe I'll get 24 another more hours tomorrow. but maybe not, idk. what I'm trying to say is this: is what I'm doing with this time worthwhile and important?

first let me say this: whatver we do today is important if we are doing it to our utmost capabilities for God. BUT, I also want to say this: is your plate so full that there isn't any room left for God to work in your life?

it's hard sometimes to not get caught up in whatever you are doing. work, school, writing, hobbies, etc. it's a really hard thing, honestly. because being busy and doing things is a good thing, as long as it's not too much. If we push other things out to make time to go out with friends, read, or whatever the thing is that we want to do -- then goodness, we need to set our priorities straight. God isn't something we just "fit into" our schedules. guys -- He needs to be first! and if we don't have time for God in our lives, something needs to change. 

just some thoughts I've been having recently. trying to make sure i'm not too busy for God, cuz man, that would be a huge mistake. have a great saturday, guys <33


  1. Amen a million times to this post, at this point of my life I couldn't relate more with the struggles (THOSE GIFS REALLY SUM UP THE FEELINGS). It's so nice to get a reminder and a different POV because it's easy to get stuck in your own life and wonder how to change things up so thank you so much for this post <3333
    {AND BTW, those pics are incredibly gorgeous}

    1. aw, thanks, Anna! and LOL I know, right?? I found them and was like "yep that's me" XD so glad it helped you realize that it's not just you in this boat, Anna. it's a struggle, for sure. but def something to think/work on. <33


  2. this post really resonates with me and it's something I both think about and struggle with constantly bc like you said,
    "School: dooooo meeeee"
    And then ... well you know XD
    Awesome post *claps*

    1. aw yus. and school seems to suck all of the creativity out of you (whhhyyyy). but still, it's def something I could work on -- ignoring that lack of /feeling/ of creativity and just getting things done. something to think about anyways, but goodness I love weekends haha xD

      aww, thanks, Lisa! <33

  3. Sareee I can really relate to this post. Every morning I think bout everything I need to do, and here recently I realized that reading my Bible is hardly ever on that list, WHICH IS REALLY AWFUL. But I'm trying to do better, and to also just enjoy life to the fullest instead of constantly thinking 'I need to finish that order and read and practice violin & cello for 2 hours and try to bake more so that I feel profitable...etc etc etc.'
    Awesome post girly <333

    1. aw yeah I know. and it is, def something we need to work and focus on more!! and it's trruueee. sometimes I feel like it's so easy to get into the rhythm of what we feel needs to be done that forget to leave room for actual living, you know??

      thanks, girl! <33

  4. *relates so much* Seriously, it’ll be like, I’m gonna get so much done today. Then when everything is over, my to-do list collects dust and I’m like “imma chillax.”
    But yes yes yes!! So true! God needs to be first. Awesome post, girl!!
    ~ riley aline

    1. LOL I know, right?? I always feel that way before school, and once I get that done suddenly that motivation is gone?? haha

      thank you, Riley!! <3

  5. I'd say /most/ of the things on my to-do list usually get done, but time always seems to go by so fast which is why I'm working on being mindful of how I spend my time, and you're totally right, that whatever we do we should be doing it for God. <3

    Also your photos are so gorgeous and tranquil, so much love. <3

    1. I feel the same way, some of my things end up getting pushed to another day, but I end up getting them done at some point haha. I know, right?? like it seriously just flies by, blah. totally! <3

      and aww, thank you, Hannah! <33

  6. ugh so true!!! I'm only taking 3 classes this semester (senior year woooo) but somehow I'm still running out of time? I just want time to be creative and do cool online blog things but never get around to doing it XD

    1. haha, I know, right? this is one of my fullest school years, so that's probably part of it xP XD AH SO SAME. Like I've been feeling so inspired to do things like that lately, but by the time I actually have some time to do it I'm just too tired. I do need to learn how to take whatever time I have and use it, even if I'm not feeling motivated yay haha.

  7. How are your posts always so good??? :-) Love your blog so much <3

    1. awwee, well, thank you for saying so! you guys are amazing <33

  8. Hey, I'm Catharine. I nominated you for the Liebster Award, so if you want to do that, you can find it here:


    Have a great day!

    1. hey, Catharine! thank you so much for nominating me! I'll be sure to check it out <33

  9. I relate so hard ASFKGHJFG. I'm the worst at prioritizing :( And I often put so many things on my to do list that I eventually give up and go watch Netflix :")

    1. aw, ikr? man, it can be tough. BUT DON'T GIVE IN, NOOR!! xD one tip, /don't/ put too many things on your to do list. keep the necessities, and keep track of what you do accomplish. when you put so many things on your list your just feel wary of it because it seems achievable. so, keep it to a minimum, and work on accomplishing those things!

  10. THOSE PHOTOS ARE BREATHTAKING. And awesome moral to the story :D

  11. Yes to everything in this post! I love how it seemed to just be a flow of thought process. Everything you said is so true and a great reminder that God comes first. Everything else comes after Him. Thank you. You've gained a new follower today. <3

    Ivie Writes

    1. (that could probably be explained by the time of night this was posted BUT THANK YOU XD) aw, well thank you so much, Ivie! you have no idea how much that means to me <33


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