Saturday, January 6, 2018

we all strive for originality. no one wants to do the "same thing that everyone else is doing." no one wants cliché. and no one wants normal. I feel like writers and bloggers, especially, feel this struggle. we stick ourselves to this idea that whatever we put out there has to be new

well. I have two things to say about that

1. nothing is actually new, and yet
2. everything is original

basically, the idea of anything is always a copy of someone elses from WHO KNOWS WHEN. BUT. every time you write or do something that is original. when you take any idea, however cliché it may be, when you write it it's new, and its yours.

so whenever people say "MAN THAT IS SO CLICHE" well, no. the idea could be called cliché, yes. but when a writer works with the "normal" idea, they create something new and original.

should you copy someone elses idea and make it your own? well, it depends on your definition of the word "copy", I think. if you are copying every little thing then no, I don't think it's kind to do to the writer and something you probably wouldn't like either. but, did you know several famous authors wrote novels that were based off an idea they got from another story? theres the key. someone elses story inspired something new, and I think that is okay. it wasn't a copy of the story they wrote, but a story from the inspiration they gathered.

i know some of us writers stress out about creating new novel ideas. and bloggers stress out about creating new blog post ideas. it's the same thing. we let this invisible wall block our creativity because that idea has been taken. we let it stop us from taking something old, and twisting it into something new. every idea has been written SOMEWHERE, but yours hasn't. and if you haven't, well, the idea must still be original for you.

so stop telling yourself what you are doing is unoriginal -- if God took the time to make every single snowflake (that has ever fallen and ever will fall) new and unique then obviously He took the time to do the same with us <33


  1. Ok THOSE PICS AHAHA, #aestheticgoals. And the advice is so important, thanks for this post xxx

    1. EEP THX, ANNA (it was too cold to go outside and take pics so there you go! like, -12. nope. lol XD) totally, girl! <33

  2. LOVE THIS POST, GIRL <3 <3 <3. And actually, I've almost never struggled with coming up with original ideas or worrying that my idea ISN'T original, because I heard the epic advice (...somewhere...) that every writer has a different voice and different way of viewing the world, so even if two writers had THE EXACT SAME IDEA, the stories would still be vastly different. So I quite stressing, 'cause it just wasn't worth it xD.

    BLOG POSTS, however - different story. I have such a hard time coming up with content, but hopefully this year shall be better? WHO KNOWS. I guess we'll find out xD. Thanks for this epic post, Sare! <3

    ~ Savannah | Scattered Scribblings

    1. AH THANKS, SAV!! ha ha ha that is because you are a lucky bean :P I'm one of those writers that has to dig around for inspiration. once I have an idea, I can go from there. but coming up with a creative main idea is /hard/ for me. :P and yas that is good advice and LOL you and Julia are so alike tho xD

      UM YEAH RIGHT. we love whatever you post, girl, SO DO THE THING! totally, girl! <33

  3. YESSS. Oh my gosh, it’s so hard to come up with something new. I’ll have an idea, and then slowly begin to realize, “hey, this is similar to this thing,” or “I must’ve gotten that idea from there,” and it’s sometimes discouraging. But the idea that it may not be completely new, but it’s unique, is encouraging! Thanks for sharing, Sarah!

    ~ riley aline

    1. UM YES SO SAME. and then you drop the whole thing when you probably could have made it into something new *sigh* the struggle is real XD aw, totally Riley! (just followed your blog btw. can't wait to see more future posts, girl! <33)

  4. ooh yes this is so true!! So often, people are criticized for 'copying' others, but everything must have a root and a basis, right? The reason we can talk (and thus be able to share all these ideas and thoughts and stories) is beCAUSE we copied whoever taught us to talk, and everything just stems from there!!

    (Also, I love those photos, girl! So pinteresty!)

    1. I KNOW. and then you didn't realize it and then suddenly you do and then the idea is thrown out the window xP it's so true. like, everything is a copy or everything, but it's still new because we are all different and unique.

      alkslakjdasdfds that's like the best compliment thannkk youuu XD

  5. This was such a powerful post, Sarah! Your blog always brightens my day. <3 I cannot agree enough about everything being said, but not by you. And how are your photos always so aesthetic? *hearteyes*

    ~ Ella Marie

    1. aw, Ella - seriously, thank you so much <33 right - I feel like we (or I XD) fall into this trap pretty often, especially me being a perfectionist. ideas have to be /neewwww/. but they are, because I wrote it. basically something I just had to come to xD and AH. ELLA. thank you!! <33

  6. " if God took the time to make every single snowflake (that has ever fallen and ever will fall) new and unique then obviously He took the time to do the same with us "

    THAT IS SO BEAUTIFULLY SAID <333 love this post

  7. This is such a lovely post! AH! *hugs* And I lovelovelove what you said about the key being that other ideas inspire us. One of my WIPs was inspired by a line in a book I read, and I don't consider that idea-theft (especially since she probably had 0 intention of that being a book idea lol). If we don't let things inspire us, we're never going to get anywhere or have any ideas. We'll be sad, moping little creatures. And that's no way to live, or create. Thank you for the encouragement! <3

    1. thank you, Hannah! RIGHT. and thats exactly what I meant by it. its taking inspiration from something, not necessarily "stealing" their idea, but creating something from something existing. and haha agreed. especially me 'cuz wow. what even are plot bunnies? *never has those* haha. aw, totally, girl. thank you so much for you and your blog, it's def one of my favs. you always get me thinking <33

  8. Wow yes, this is such a huge inspiration for me. The struggle is real and it's easy to get caught up in not making 'cliché' stories/posts. But if God has laid something on our heart to write about, let's just write about it, no matter how cliché it may sound to us. Thank you for writing my friend <3

    1. aw, so glad, Ash! agh, yes. I have a hard time with it because I always struggle for "brand new" interesting ideas. but, if I haven't written about it, it must still be new for me. and it's so true. maybe if I've heard about it, someone else hasn't. thanks for reading, Ashley! <33

  9. For me, it's pretty hard to be original sometimes, because I have the bad habit of always comparing my work to other people's work and belittling what actually is original.

    Thanks for this post-I loved it!

    Micaiah @ Notebooks and Novels

    1. Yesss, that can be hard. the thing is, you aren't them, and they aren't you. and honestly, I'm sure there are people out there that you don't even know about that compare themselves to you, so do the best that YOU can do, and it will be the best.

      thank you for reading, Micaiah! <33

  10. these photos are absolutely beautiful!!!! <3 <3

  11. Dude can I have your camera skills?? kthx.

    I personally struggle with coming up with original ideas, my reason being that I just fall so deeply in love with some things, and I see ways I could replicate it without it being exactly the same. So, it's safe to say that I'm easily inspired and sometimes that inspiration leads to closed mindedness in SOME WAYS.

    Being a writer is tough man. We face things that normal people don't even have to dream of dealing with xD Great post tho! I love love love what you said.

    1. lol!! what, tell my secrets to the world? NEVER MUAHAHAA. jk jk. it just takes practice, and I still have a long way to go from where I want to be, so xD

      ohh dude same. like you don't even realize you are "copying" something until you suddenly realize it and it's like #oops. ah, the struggle. I know. WHY DO WE DO IT?? it's a love hate relationship, honestly XD aww, thanks, Jasmine! <33

  12. Ahhh I love this so much, Sarah, and it's such a great reminder. You write what you mean to say so clearly! <3


    katie grace
    a writer's faith

    1. aklsadfkls;ka gosh girl thannkk youuu. I try anyways, haha xD

      srsly THANK YOU. <33

  13. WHOA. This is so amazing because these last few weeks I have literally been thinking these EXACT SAME THOUGHTS! As I prepare to start a novel and continue blogging I was so nervous because I felt like nothing I had was original. This post is so well written, encouraging and noble, Thank you so much I can’t tell you what it means for me! God is so good! Ideas don’t come that easily for me, unfortunately, but I just think things through more when I have one :P
    Thank you so much!!!!!! I totally agree.

    1. AH WE ARE TWINS!! I have these thoughts pretty often so I thought I'd better share them sometime haha. UGH SAAMEEE. I feel you. I'm so glad it helped, and agreed, girl <33

      and dude. I know. I'm the same way, ideas rarreellyy come. at least I have some diligence with the stories I do have - its easier to stick with something when you don't have any other ideas XD

      you are so welcome, Lydia! <33

  14. Oh yes, this is something I endlessly struggle with. I know there's nothing new under the sun, yet I strive to constantly think of things that are original to write about and it gets extremely stressful. You have some great points in this post and I loved it!

    1. yeaahh it's hard, isn't it? saammee. it's a hard thing, I know - just something I've been learning, as you see here XD aww, thanks, Hannah - so glad! <33

  15. Totally agree with this post! :D Every idea has to come from somewhere. ;) But one of my problems is coming up to too many ideas. I have ideas for posts in the far far away future.

    Ah...now I have to wait.

    Great post!

    D.G. Snapper | silverphoenixwriter.blogspot.com

    1. haha, yep. oh wooww. can I trade for that? Honestly, ideas are pretty rare for me. but I suppose that's okay bc then I just hang onto the ideas I have?? haha. anyways, thanks!!


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